Should You Opt for an Attached or Detached Garage?

Attached or detached garage

You’ve decided that your home needs a garage. That’s a smart decision – they’re practical, convenient, and can increase the value of your home substantially. They’re also very handy for storing just about anything, from your car to your Christmas decorations.

However, you have a few decisions to make. For instance, do you want an attached garage? What about a detached garage? Which is the right option for you? Below, we’ll walk you through the most important factors to consider when making your decision about whether to choose an attached or detached garage.

Property Size and Shape

Perhaps the single most important factor when deciding between an attached or detached garage is the size and shape of your property. If you live in a developed urban area, you know that lot sizes are shrinking. There’s also a push to increase population density in order to reduce taxes, too.

In suburban areas, lots tend to be narrow but deep, with little room in front of the home, but lots of space in the back yard. In rural areas, lots are generally larger, with plenty of room front and back for a garage to be installed.

You will need to consider the configuration of your property, too. For instance, if you’re located on a corner lot, then you’ll have more options available than someone sandwiched between two other homes. Walk your property and use a measuring tape to determine your options and the best possible layout for your garage.

There’s also the fact that you’ll need to consult with your local officials about bylaws and covenants that might govern your decision. For instance, is there a minimum amount of space that must be maintained between you and your neighbor? Of course, your own personal desires are also important – do you want to do more than just park your car under a protective cover? Do you need additional storage?

Pros and Cons: Attached Garages

There are advantages and disadvantages to going the attached garage route. For instance, in inclement weather, you don’t have to worry about getting wet while walking from the garage to the house. Attached garages also make your home appear much larger, which can be an appealing choice. There’s also the potential to turn that space into something other than a place to park your car if you really want – a home business office, for instance. Finally, an attached garage will be cheaper to build, because it can use a shared wall with your home.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. To get an idea of what those are, just look at the opposite of the advantages of having a detached garage.

Attached garage

Pros and Cons: Detached Garages

Like attached garages, detached garages have both pros and cons. For instance, you’ll find that a detached garage can be very adaptable, providing you with flexible space that can be used just as easily as woodworking or car repair space as it can be used to park your car. There’s also the fact that placing your garage farther from your home can offer protection against dangerous fumes, and even fire hazards.

Interestingly, a detached garage can be a deterrent to break-ins. Many thieves enter their target homes through the garage, but a detached garage does not have direct access to your home. There’s also the ability to build a one or two car garage depending on your budget and your available space. Of course, a detached garage can also be more easily expanded than an attached garage if you decide you need more space down the road. There’s also the possibility of using the space over the garage as storage. Attached garages often have rooms over the garage, limiting your use of that space.

The drawbacks to a detached garage are few. Really, the most important one is the biggest advantage of an attached garage – you don’t have direct access to the house. That means getting from the garage to the house will require you to walk through the rain, sleet or snow, carrying groceries and other purchases.

Detached garage

Making Your Decision

Have you owned a home with a detached or attached garage? Have you ever built your own garage before? What are your thoughts about the best way to proceed? How do you feel the pros and cons of each one weigh out? What about your spouse? Does he or she have strong opinions on the matter? If you want really dig into the question and find out what other people think about the various options available, check out this discussion forum on HOUZZ.

Considering the Costs of Both Garage Types

Cost is a significant factor. If you’re curious, dig into these articles to learn more about the costs of both options. This one talks about the costs of an attached garage, and this one discusses the costs of a detached garage.

Don’t Forget the Garage Door

Whether you choose an attached or detached garage, don’t forget about the garage door. You can contact us at 705-322-0136. If you’d rather, you can come down to our showroom in person. We’ll provide you with a detailed quote by email, as well. Not sure about the style of your garage? Use our design center and image gallery to get an idea of what you can achieve with different stylistic elements and garage door designs.

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